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New at Spectrum Academy: Parent Group Training

January 27, 2021

by Alyson ShafferM.Ed. BCBA Owner

Solving Autism will soon be offering monthly Parent Training/Education classes at our new clinic located at 7809 Sardis Road in Charlotte.  We will be using The Rubi Autism Network curriculum which is a research based structured parent training curriculum for children with ASD and disruptive behaviors.  This curriculum is based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and is designed for therapists to use with parents of children with autism spectrum disorder and co-occurring challenging behaviors, such as tantrums, noncompliance, difficulties with transitions and aggression.

We are excited to be able to offer parent training in a group setting, and to learn and support one another on the struggles, challenges, and growth that our students are making.  A parent of a child with special needs often feels isolated. Group trainings will give our families the opportunity to relate and communicate with one another in a safe environment and to share their personal stories and suggestions.

Parental involvement is an essential element for so much of our children’s educational journey, and it’s even more important if you have a child with special needs. Research has shown that ABA therapy has improved outcomes when parents are involved and trained as part of the therapy. At Solving Autism, we know that you’re the expert on your child, and we want to partner with you to achieve the best possible outcome for you and your family.

Parent training is an important piece of any treatment plan when working with children and adolescents.  As caregivers, parents are responsible for helping their child learn and develop by guiding them and teaching them skills and behaviors that will help them in everyday life.  Providing parents with tools and knowledge that are useful for the parenting that they provide to their child with autism can lead to greater self-confidence, hope in the possibility of positive treatment outcomes, acceptance of life’s challenges, and even generalization of effective parenting skills to other children in the home. ABA parent training may also lead to greater relationship dynamics between parents when they are both on board with implementing similar strategies with their child.

When parents are active participants in their child’s treatment, the child is more likely to be successful. Parent training helps your child generalize their skills – taking the skills they are learning in the therapy center to their home, school, and community. Parental involvement is an essential element for so much of our children’s educational journey, and it’s even more important if you have a child with special needs. Research has shown that children in ABA therapy have improved outcomes when parents are involved and trained as part of the therapy. We know that you’re the expert on your child, and we want to partner with you to achieve the best possible outcome for you and your family.

As a parent, we all know (and have learned first-hand), the value of consistency. If you have a child with Autism or other special needs, you know that consistency is even more important. So, it should come as no surprise that consistency is key to achieving success with ABA therapy. Through parent training and collaboration with your child’s therapy team, we can develop methods to change your child’s behavior that you can implement at home, outside of therapy.

Parent training allows us to work together. Your child spends only a small amount of time in therapy, and consistently applying the same methods at home, at school, and in the community allows your child to develop skills and behaviors they can use beyond our limited time together.

In therapy, we teach daily living skills, and through parent training, those same skills can be reinforced at home. Increased independence at home and in the community can lead to big improvements in quality of life for both you and your child.

At Solving Autism, we want to empower you, as a parent, to feel like you know what to do in various situations with your child. Children don’t come with an instruction manual, and navigating challenging behaviors is hard. We can help you come up with learning opportunities throughout the day to help your child generalize and master skills more quickly.

Our mission is to promote independence for children and adults with special needs. Children with Autism often develop a stronger dependence on their parent, and ABA therapy, combined with parent training, is a great way to help kids reach their highest potential.  We look forward to having you join the group parenting classes, coming soon!

If you are interested in signing up for one of these classes, please contact

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